Work has changed.
So must Leadership.

Work has changed.

I can help your team overcome change fatigue.
Using the latest science, organizational psychology, and 15 years of coaching leaders through massive change— my passion is to help you engage your team to lead change.
Partner with a dynamic change agent who has coached C-Level leaders, inspired thousands of HR professionals to embrace change, and written a book to prepare the next generation of conscious leadership.
It isn’t disruption and change that’s burning out our people, and tripping up our teams.
It is the stories we tell ourselves about change.
Does your team’s story about change empower your business— or defeat you?
Is one more change the last straw before we quit? Or, is it our gateway to innovation?
Disrupt HR
I’m an Executive Coach, I am paid to ask my clients hard questions with uncomfortable answers.
Such as: “What was your intention in alienating your entire leadership team?”
Pecha Kucha format. 5 minutes, 20 slides.
Expert in the Media
Coming out of the pandemic, I was invited to contribute to many morning news programs. Including: Good Morning Washington (DC), NBC, ABC, and FOX affiliates.
This summary includes avoiding burnout, resistance to change, and even how to avoid Mantrums (man tantrums)
What if change were FUN? - TEDx
What if the missing link to successful reinvention isn’t more stuff, or knowledge?
This TEDx talk makes the case for building our meta-attention for awareness.

What would make
Your Event life-changing?

The 4 Permissions™ to
Overcome Change Fatigue
According to Gartner, 53% of HR leaders identify Change Fatigue as a top priority. Why? From 2016-22, employee willingness to support org changes was cut in half—from 74% to 38%.
It isn’t the disruption of constant change that’s burning us out, and makes us resistant. It’s the stories we tell ourselves about change.
Is change a catalyst to innovation, or the last straw before we give up? The 4 Permissions™ give leaders the tools and practices to not only survive, but to innovate in times of major change.
Learn how this four-part system helps leaders relate better to change—so they can stay in the game of sustainable growth, and foster cultures of collaboration and innovation.
His presence, and the wisdom he shared was unforgettable. He not only wrote his book Permission to Glow— he clearly lives it. Everyone in the space was inspired!"

KC gifted us so much wisdom, and a fresh sense of purpose in times of constant change.”

Serial Entrepreneur
We left with a sense of cross-team, and cross-division connection at the leadership level. Highly recommended!”

3 Levels of Value
Three stock portfolios made only of companies that “spend aggressively on employee development” each outperformed the S&P 500 by 17-35%.
‘How’s Your Return on People?’
(HBR, March 2014)
“Individuals increase their productivity by an average of 86% when training is combined with coaching— compared to 22% with training alone.”
Personal Management
Nearly 66% of CEOs, senior executives, and/or directors do not receive coaching or leadership coaching, while 100% of them stated that they are receptive to making changes based on feedback.
Stanford Graduate School of Business (2013)