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Processing Massive Change – Part 1

The first three months of 2016 have felt like some insane spiritual obstacle course. We closed on our dream home on January 15th, two weeks after I left my corporate career. As you’re about to read, the double whammy of full-scale home, and career renovations is not for the faint of heart. It took me […]


I dig families that borrow the loyalty and spirit of nuclear families of the 50’s, while leaving the creepy conformity and passive aggression behind. Every generation has sweet family tactics we can repurpose. The current challenge is to stretch the limits of our openness, self-expression, and compassion. My favorite families are those where the adult […]

Akron Signs of Life

This morning I dropped off our daughter at preschool, then made my way West on Route 18 through downtown Akron. This beat-up, Rustbelt survivor; broken in a state of endless recovery, and reinvention. Its buildings gleaming in the sun, its chilly autumn breath revealing my own. Done with the sticky summer, I saw all Signs […]

How to Lead an Epic Life. (Model my Pops)

Below is an excerpt from the Full-Life Integration Manifesto The Origin of The Lens. I’ve grown so accustomed to juggling career, art, and family insanity. Every once in a while some friends or coworkers compliment me on the job Gayle & I are doing raising our kids, and it makes me well up. What bigger […]