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Focus: For Creating Your Life’s Work



In the early stages of a massive creative endeavor or project —something we’re called to do— how do we carve out the time it takes to even get started? Once we’re rolling, how do we protect the sacred time we need to make progress, while the relentless demands of life and work line up for our attention?

When I was a young salesperson, I read a quote somewhere that stuck with me: “…mosquitoes ruin the hunt for big game.” I’ve found this so applicable not only in building sales territories, but especially in implementing my crazy dreams and schemes alongside being a Dad, having a couple full-time jobs, and deepening my yoga practice.

No one is going to schedule our dreams for us. People will, however, keep hammering us with their own needs. Filtering what matters is crucial.

My friend Heidi (a writer, teacher, and entrepreneur) planted the seed for this week’s guided meditation earlier this week. Meditation means different things to different people, but what if we can use it to remove perceived roadblocks, or to realign our focus to what matters most?

Our theme is Making Time for Our Life’s Work, as opposed to getting sucked into the urgent stuff we think we have to do before writing that book, launching that business, or shipping our art…

In the endless stream of choices we must make on a given day, we must repeatedly choose our life’s work. We must choose daily, consistent action (however small). We must choose our greatest possible expression and contribution.

The really cool part, is that often we don’t choose this monster projects. They choose us.

This 25 min ambient-meditation will give you:

  • A visualization to deepen your breath, and focus.
  • Process for aligning your short-term and long-term projects with your Life’s Work.
  • Gaps of ambient space to reflect upon your most meaningful work.
  • Process for filtering the merely “urgent” work, from your most valuable contribution.



Recorded live on Thursday, July 16th 2015 as part of The Pause, a global virtual meditation meet-up. Join our meditation group “This Epic Life – The Pause” in the Insight Timer app found on the iTunes App Store.

My full library of free guided meditations are also available on the iTunes podcast app. Search “This Epic Life” podcast. The Pause, a global, virtual meditation meet-up that happens every Thursday at 9A EST. For more information visit: https://epicleadership.org/thepause

Thanks for listening, and for showing up for yourself. Did you enjoy this week’s theme? What themes would best serve you? Let’s hear them below! -kc



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2 Responses

  1. This is a fantastic meditation on how to identify your purpose in this world, and how to self motivate on taking consistent action towards it, however small.

  2. I felt so pressured by all my upcoming tasks but this helped so much to see things clearer and having hope. Thank you!

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